Friday, 31 May 2024

Attempting to win the national lottery's set for life draw four, plus free deal or no deal wins

So another set for life draw has come and gone, and I still have yet to win anything (who knew winning the lottery would be so hard! 😂)

I did however have luck in yesterday and today's free Deal Or No Deal game, as I got the telephones game in both.

Thursday, 30 May 2024

To save or not to save free plays?

Yesterday on Tombola Arcade I managed to win a single free play on their free super spins game, which means I get to play a single free game of my choosing.

I was excited to use it, but then I wondered, is it better to save free plays until I get more, or just play them as I get them.

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

A day out by the sea at Hayling Island

On bank holiday Monday my partner and I decided to head to Hayling Island for an afteroon of fun by the sea.

The beach and sea at Hayling island

Monday, 27 May 2024

Deal or No deal bonus game win

On Sunday I managed to get the telephones on the free Deal or No Deal game on tombola!

Good luck charm-dandelion

A quick edit to the previous post about making these charms. I've decided rather than making a new one every time I lose a set for life I'd instead make one and keep it for the Monday and Thursday draw, and if I win in either I'll keep it for the next week and if I lose in both I'll make a new one. This is because I put a lot of work into them and want to keep them for longer than a day if I did lose in a draw 😊

Anyway, on the this week's charm. After using the picture of a ladybird on a dandelion in my previous post I thought of all the times I've caught a floating dandelion seed out the air, made a wish then let it go and watch it fly away, which inspired me to make this!

Sunday, 26 May 2024

Trying out two new scratchcards

The weather was lovely yesterday, so I decided to make the most of it by popping out and getting a couple drinks for that evening, plus a scratchcard for my partner and I as it had been a while since I'd bought one.

I opted for a tropical themed one for me as lovely weather makes me think of holidays abroad

Thursday, 23 May 2024

Making good luck charms take one!

I realised earlier on today that if I want to win set for life, I was missing one very important thing...a lucky charm!

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

How I have free fun online, and play games without ever having to deposit a penny of my own money

Sometimes if I'm in the mood to play a game but I don't want to spend any money from my bank account, I go to either Tombola or Mecca bingo.

I joined these sites a while ago as both have games you can play for free, have a chance of winning money, and no deposit is required!

Monday, 20 May 2024

What I'd buy first if I won a chunk of change

Set for life's winning amounts are all pretty low until you get to four numbers plus life ball, which nets you £250, but if I did manage get that, or have a lucky streak of winning £50, or of course win the jackpot, the first thing I would buy, is this

It's currently on sale (£279.99 rather than 349.99) so I'd better win before it's back to full price 😄

Welcome to chicken dinner journal

If you've randomly come across this page, hi there, and welcome the chicken dinner journal.

While not much of a gambler, I do enjoy buying the occasional scratchcard, lottery ticket, and playing on the 10p seaside machine, but I've decided to see if I can actually win something substantial by playing more frequently, thus the name of this journal!

Attempting to win The National Lottery's set for life draw four

This morning I woke up to see I had an email from the Lottery!