Thursday 23 May 2024

Making good luck charms take one!

I realised earlier on today that if I want to win set for life, I was missing one very important thing...a lucky charm!

Jokes aside, while I'm 99.99% sure lucky charms don't work in any way whatsoever, that tiiiiny little 0.01% gives me a good enough excuse to get out my crafting materials and make one of my own 🪡

While I may not have time to do this every time, I thought it would be fun to try and make myself a little charm of some sort every week before a draw. If I happen to win anything in that draw I will carry that charm over to the next draw until I lose and make a new one, and if I lose right away I'll make a new one for the next draw.

Yes it's silly, but hey it's fun, and that's what this journey is all about, plus I get to stretch my crafting muscles at the same time which I always enjoy! 😄

I like to cross stitch, so decided to make my first a little cross stitch charm.

I decided to with one of the classic good luck designs, a ladybird 🐞

I've attached it to my phone, and I guess we'll find out tomorrow if it brought me any luck or not 😁

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