Friday 31 May 2024

Attempting to win the national lottery's set for life draw four, plus free deal or no deal wins

So another set for life draw has come and gone, and I still have yet to win anything (who knew winning the lottery would be so hard! 😂)

I did however have luck in yesterday and today's free Deal Or No Deal game, as I got the telephones game in both.

Yesterday my partner was at work so I picked all the numbers, ended with a 5p box and a 50p box and decided to take the 27p deal, which ended up being the right choice as I had the 5p box.


My partner was home this morning so I gave him the game to play. He ended with the 10p box and the 50p box and was offered a deal of 30p and decided not to take it aaand....he had the 10p box, and so lost me 20p!! Last time I get him to play the game 😆


Again small amounts, but a little every day is building up my balance, and now I'm up to £4.16 in free money.

On the no wins side I didn't win in the bingo game I won on the Mecca free spinner yesterday, but I won another one that's on at 10pm tonight, so hopefully I'll win something on that today!

If you played set for life yesterday let me know how you did 💚

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