Thursday, 30 May 2024

To save or not to save free plays?

Yesterday on Tombola Arcade I managed to win a single free play on their free super spins game, which means I get to play a single free game of my choosing.

I was excited to use it, but then I wondered, is it better to save free plays until I get more, or just play them as I get them.

On the one hand, saving them might be a good idea if you want to play on the spinners for example, as you probably won't get to far with a single spin, but on the other hand you may not get another free play for aaages and from what I can see (please correct me if I'm wrong!) if you want to play with money you can't until you've used your free play.

If you did want to use it though, one free play on one of their scratchcard games for example feels like better value, as I feel that you can probably get more worth out of one free scratchcard than you can from one spin.

For now I'm going to keep my free play as I'm not sure yet if I want try and save some up for a spin game or just get a scratcher, but in the mean time let me know if you're more of a saver or a spender when it comes to things like free play!

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