Monday 27 May 2024

Deal or No deal bonus game win

On Sunday I managed to get the telephones on the free Deal or No Deal game on tombola!

I wanted to play with my partner so asked him to pick which box would be ours, and then took it in turns to open a box.

As predicted we kept picking all the large prizes to discard until we ended up with either the 2p or the 50p box 😅

During the game we got at least one call from the banker (can't remember if there were more or not) but we always said no deal until we got to the final two boxes, where we were offered 26p.

On balance I decided to take the deal as if we had the 2p box it was a good deal, and we had the 50p box I was only losing out on 24p.

Thankfully I made the right choice as we did have the 2p box, so yay!

While more money would have been nice, the thought of ending the game with say, a 2p box and a £100 box and deciding what I should take would have been way too stressful for me 😂

It's a new week of free games so let's hope some more free money comes my way!

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