Tuesday 28 May 2024

Attempting to win the national lottery's set for life draw three, plus bonus free bingo win

So draw three has come and gone, and it was unfortunately another losing ticket...however it's not all doom and gloom.

While I didn't win anything in the last two free bingo games I'd won on the Mecca spinner either, I had one more at 10pm last night and so stayed up to play it. I'm glad I did as I ended up winning 50p! As I always say, more would have been nice, but free money is free money and I'm glad I managed to win something 😄

Celebrating all my free wins, even when it's 50p! Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich

My partner and I also had a lovely day by the sea yesterday which was a welcome day out, but I'll tell you all about that in tomorrow's post.

If you played set for life last night let me know how you did 💚

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