Monday, 20 May 2024

What I'd buy first if I won a chunk of change

Set for life's winning amounts are all pretty low until you get to four numbers plus life ball, which nets you £250, but if I did manage get that, or have a lucky streak of winning £50, or of course win the jackpot, the first thing I would buy, is this

It's currently on sale (£279.99 rather than 349.99) so I'd better win before it's back to full price 😄

Now, I've always been pretty against getting an electric BBQ as I live in the UK and I feel like, unless you have lots of money to spare, it's a waste of money getting one as we don't have enough nice weather to warrant one, and also because the food tastes exactly the same cooking it in your house as it does on an outside electric grill, so what's the point?

This one is a little different however, as it's also a smoker!

We actually do own a traditional BBQ smoker, and the food comes out amazing, but the cost of the coal and the chips, setting it all up and waiting for it to heat up, then waiting for the food to cook, all while you're keeping your fingers crossed those dark clouds that suddenly appeared don't become rain clouds can be a bit of a pain, and it's a hard to clean which means it's not the most practical thing to use, which is where this grill comes in.

oh man I'm starting to sound like an infomercial... image by Pexels


Anyway, because it's electric it heats up quickly and doesn't need coal, but because it has the smoker bit too it can still taste like you've barbecued it.

While I can technically afford it now, I think it would be more fun to wait until I've won enough to purchase one, or if I did end up winning the jackpot, having a BBQ using the smoker seems like a great way to celebrate a big win.

What would your first buy be if you won some money?

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