Sunday 26 May 2024

Trying out two new scratchcards

The weather was lovely yesterday, so I decided to make the most of it by popping out and getting a couple drinks for that evening, plus a scratchcard for my partner and I as it had been a while since I'd bought one.

I opted for a tropical themed one for me as lovely weather makes me think of holidays abroad

And a coffee one for my partner as he likes coffee 😊

I hadn't seen either of these before so was looking forward to trying them out.

Unfortunately it wasn't my lucky day and ended up not winning anything, and so I'll have to carry on dreaming of tropical holidays for the time being! 🌴

When my partner got back from work he gave his a try and....won nothing either 😂

I'd say that this past week encapsulates exactly why sticking to what you're comfortable with losing is key as while it's a shame I didn't win anything I spent money on, I could afford to lose that money, and I'm excited for the new week and new possibilities that may come my way! 😄

If you've bought a scratchcard recently let me know how you did 💚

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