Monday 24 June 2024

Good luck charm-tree

Well it seems that my last lucky charm ran out of juice, with set for life and the last couple of Thunderball games netting me zero wins, plus no win on a scratchcard I got yesterday either (although partner won £1 on his, so at least he had some luck.)

Photo of a scratchcard with a £1 win
Where's that third £100 when you need it...

On the positive side though, it meant it was time to design and sew up another charm!

I decided to go for the classic palm tree design as the weather has been warm the last few days, which has been making me think about holidays that involve sand, palm trees, and maybe a cocktail or three 🏝️🍸

Cross stitch of a palm tree on sand with an eel


I think it came out well, and I look forward to all the luck it will definitely bring me this week 😆

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