Tuesday 25 June 2024

Attempting to win the national lottery's set for life draw eleven, plus competition win update

My national lottery losing streak is unfortunately still going, as I won nothing on last night's set for life. Maybe my new good luck charm just needs a bit more warming up 😜

I've just used the last of my previous winnings on tonight's thunderball so hopefully I'll win something on that so I can carry on playing it!

I have a free bingo session this evening so hopefully I'll get something on that too. I also recently won around £2 on random Mecca games with the help of the money I've won on there previously, so I'm happy with that 😄

On to some other good news, I received an email yesterday confirming my Coca Cola tumbler win, so I popped in my info to have it delivered, which means my win should be on its way soon.

 If you played set for life last night let me know how you did 💚

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Good luck charm-pie

So last week's charm was a disaster, and I ended up winning nothing on the National Lottery. The previous charm , which I had for a whi...