Wednesday 26 June 2024

Wishlist Wednesdays-cooling air

So I didn't win on the Thunderball last night. This unfortunately means that it's the end of my run of playing Thunderball until I win something on set for life again, so today I shall instead write about another thing that is on my wishlist for when I do eventually win big 😄

Where I live it's pretty dang warm at the moment!


picture showing hot weather forecast

Even though we try to stick to curtains closed during the day, and open a load of windows at night, it really isn't helping much. However, because of where we live there's no real point in installing things like aircon for a few days out of the year...however, if we won the lottery, the cost to use ratio wouldn't be as much of an issue!

It would mean that on day's like today I could take full advantage of aircon and not feel like a sticky, melting mess all day, and at night I could actually get some sleep, which I've been struggling to get the last few days...


Who needs sleep... (me I do please!) Photo by cottonbro studio

If you won the lottery would you have aircon even though it's only needed for a few days a year, would you get it anyway without a lottery win, or do you think it's a waste of money no matter what when windows exist 😄

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