Friday 28 June 2024

Attempting to win the national lottery's set for life draw twelve, plus fun day out

My losing streak continues as I did not win anything last night...

I guess no one said becoming a ten thousand pounds a month-aire would be easy 😆

Not had much luck on the free games either this week, but I have another 10pm free bingo session tonight, so maybe my luck will turn around there!

On the plus side though, my partner and I got to go to Thorpe again yesterday yay!

We once again only had time to ride Hyperia as it seemed to be a school/college day for lots of people, so the park was pretty full, but since we have passes we don't mind just going for the one ride as we live pretty close.

We did however try the Ready Player One 4D cinema. In all my years of going to Thorpe I'd never tried out the 4D cinema, but it was fun!

I'm looking forward to it getting quieter as I miss 20 minute queues and being able to get on all the rides in one day. I'm also looking forward to the Halloween season as I love scare mazes 💀

Oh also I resurrected one of my old Instagram accounts, so if you wanna follow my daily life adventures you can do over on there!

If you played set for life yesterday let me know how you did 💚

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