Monday 3 June 2024

Good luck charm-bird

While I didn't win anything on set for life last week, I still ended up being pretty lucky playing free online games and with the McDonald's surprize fries promotion.

Because I didn't win anything on set for life though, it meant it was time to make a new charm!

I asked my partner what I should make, and he said a heron, as we went to a pub yesterday with heron in the name.

Not tried this af beer before. Had a bit of that af aftertaste, but was refreshing on a hot day

It was a pretty tricky design to make in such a small charm design, but I think I managed to pull it off!

So that's this week's design. Let's see how my partner's suggestion works out 💖

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Good luck charm-pie

So last week's charm was a disaster, and I ended up winning nothing on the National Lottery. The previous charm , which I had for a whi...