Thursday 13 June 2024

Trying the new Team GB scratchcard

Earlier on today I had to pop out to post a letter, and decided while I was out to get a scratchcard for my partner and I.

I went for the Team GB one, as I like scratchcards that have multiple games while still being £1

Team GB scratchcard

and got the jewel one for my partner as it also looked like a fun one to play.

cash vault jewels scratchcard


Excitedly I scratched mine off and...


a losing scratchcard

it was a loser, boo!

While I didn't win this time around I plan to get it again since I like games that give you multiple chances to win.

My partner is at work so hasn't done his yet, but I will let you know in tomorrow's post if he has more luck than I did!

If you've tried either of these scratchcards let me know how you did on them 💚

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