Happy Monday everyone!
Over the weekend I managed to get a couple small wins under my belt.
First was another win on the deal or no deal game
And the second was finally getting a win in the free bingo last night, 12p to be exact! Winning £50 would have been my preferred amount, but something is better than nothing when it's free 😊
With the money I won in last week's set for life I've been getting a line of thunderball tickets. I've played two and so far nothing yet, but there's still time!
Since I won on set for life on Thursday I'm rolling my good luck charm over another week, so instead I'll introduce you to my newest eely mascot.
I was in Camden the other day and someone was selling little finger puppets, and when I saw this one I knew I had to get it 🪸
The last little win came this morning. My partner didn't finish until late so he grabbed himself a midnight McDonald's to enjoy while catching up on the England match, and saved me the surprize fries stickers to check (and got me a couple things to have for lunch later, yum!)
We ended up winning a free coke zero and a regular hot drink. Not the most exciting of prizes but at this point we have a decent meal for free at McDonald's 🍟
So that's everything that happened over the last few days. Fingers crossed I'll have more exciting wins to share with you tomorrow!
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