Tuesday 11 June 2024

Attempting to win the national lottery's set for life draw seven, plus other results

I woke up this morning full of hope that I would see that little you've won email once again, but unfortunately it wasn't to be this draw.

With the money I won in last week's draw I decided to get one ticket for the euro millions and one for the rollover on Saturday, but it seems my luck has run out national lottery wise as I won nothing on those either.

I did however get two more deal or no deal games


so now I have just over £5 in my tombola account!


Over the weekend I went to Brighton with my partner and had some arcade fun.

Photo of gambling machines

Arcade machine
One of our favourite games to play, but never seen one where you can win money before!

We ended up not winning anything but we only spent a fiver between us, and I got to play on some fun machines, so I still walked away happy 😄


All in all winning wise it's been a little up and down since my winning streak on Thursday, but I'm hopeful more wins are coming my way soon, but in the meantime I'm going to carry on sticking to my budget and having fun!

If you played set for life yesterday let me know how you did 💚

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