This morning I woke up to see I had an email from the Lottery!
This morning I woke up to see I had an email from the Lottery!
Last week's charm didn't end up bringing me the luck, so for this week rather than cross stitching how the weather currently is, I instead decided to do one themed on how I wish the weather currently was!
Maybe my dreams of warm weather by the sea will be made a real thing if I win today 😄
Now onto the wins!
Another set for life draw has come and gone, and with it
Last night K and I were watching a Let's Game It Out video about a game where you look after, and sell stuff in vending machines. I said that I thought it would be cool to own one, and while I meant own one to sell whatever you wanted in it, K thought I meant it would be cool to have one in your own house, which made me think, heck yeah it would!
Preferably one with wood panelling 😆 Photo by Nina Hill |
It's not necessary, it would take up too much space, and it would be silly to have one when we already have lots of storage space so wouldn’t need it to just keep things in, but if I won set for life I would definitely get myself one for the fun of it.
The question is what would I put in mine?
So let's just get right to it, did I win anything on the lottery last night? The answer is unfortunately no, I did not...I did however manage to get two numbers this time, one of which was the life ball. I really wish they made it so that one ball and one life ball meant you won something, even a free ticket for the next draw would be nice. Maybe one day.
I'm starting to think I need to stop setting up a I've won party until I've actually won... Photo by Polina Tankilevitch |
I did however win something with the the free plays I won on Tombola yesterday, and you'll be shocked to know I won more than 30p!
For my first charm of the year I thought I would do one based on the cold weather we've been having recently.
While there’s only been a little bit of snow, it was at night, so wanted to capture that night time snow feeling in my cross stitch.
Also another couple of mini wins over the weekend and today.
I decided to reset the set for life tally as one, it's been a while, and two, I missed some draws when I forgot to add money to my account in time to do some of the draws but can't remember how many, so I thought it best to start from scratch. So how did I do? Well...
This morning I woke up to see I had an email from the Lottery!